" A goal without a plan is just a wish . ."
- Larry Elder

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

oh SO scurrry

so today i was in second block; and i got some news from my friend malyssa. she comes to my desk and was like " so i was in study block yesterday, and this one boy was on your blogspot. " & this isnt the first time someone has told me that someone was "talking" bout me for my blogspot. i have no problem that someone reads what i say; but when it feels like someones stalking you because you are always on it, or saying that to people random things about me. .it gets kinda scary. i dont know; its just me. but please. .


im sitting here in study block RIGHT now; i was kinda vent to "darRUL [daryl]" because somethings were getting on my nerves WITH MY SPENNY on my shoulder.. but usually when we are in study block; me & "darRUL" play our pizza game on here [click it] . we have a l o t of fun playing it. but it kinda gets h a r d after a while. even tho "darRUL" says that im just slow on the mouse; he's just a big meany pants =] "take the pizza out the oven" . . the oven part is the hardest and trying to PLEASE the customers. because we all know its hard to PLEASE angry HUNGRY people ;D

but right now; my BOOOTY falling asleep.
stop stalking me. AMEN ;D

loveeMEIKA =]

1 comment:

  1. Yoooo nodoby said anythig bad about uuuu.. I was only on ya glögg cuz my friend wanted
    To see
    Cribs shittt.. Nd I told my ace that u can't do YouTube in school... But nahh nigga didn't want to listen to me..
    Neways I hope ur not mad or some shot...
