" A goal without a plan is just a wish . ."
- Larry Elder

Friday, April 24, 2009

their eyes were watching god.

heres the trailer of the movie.

as a student in the technology academy at landstown; im put in honors english 11 in tenth grade. we had something called the "big read" when all the english 11 classes read the same book. well the teachers chose "their eyes were watching god". i didnt read the book. i tried but it was to hard, i just paid attention in class and asked questions when i wanted to know what happened. but i got the hang of it.

today in class we watched the movie. it had great actors such as halle berry and terrence howard. and oh my sweet jesus, michael ealy. mMm! he is beautiful. he played "tea cake" in the movie. since we didnt have a lot of time in class, we didnt watch a lot of it. we watched about half.

this is my favorite part so far.

i like this part because it shows that she can do whatever she pleases now. she has a different attitude towards things. its funny when she drinks after tea cake because it shows shes more adventitious then she used to be.

the teachers said that the book was better, but its always like that.

loveeMEIKA =]

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