" A goal without a plan is just a wish . ."
- Larry Elder

Saturday, March 21, 2009

so i love ..

how people think the internet revolves around them.

but it doesnt.

so when i talk to someone on bulletins.
and theyre not friends with the person
im talking to nd they dont see what they
say for me to respond. its an a u t o matic BAM
that they think its about them. which i think
is funny. it just makes you look dumb if you ask.
& then when other people j u m p in & try to make
statements to stur things up? oh man.

ha. this pot is already cookin. i said
thats been my saying for i dont know
how long. because beef is REAL nd
tofu is FAKE. so yeah. im just saying

i dont have PROBLEMS with anybody.
but if you have a problem with me. .
i d o n t c a r e .

because a l o t of people dont like me.
nd i know some of my family doesnt
like me. so whats th difference with you?

so just keep it walking. like strangers.

its gonna be like that. & always be
like that. just expressing MY point
& MY view . and if you dont like MY
bulletins or what i have to say. ..

delete me. just click on my bulletin
nd click "delete this user" nd it would
be the end of YOUR worries.

loveeMEIKA =]

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