it's just you & i against the world .people question us, nd i give them an answer. they judge. they think. they DONT know. people asking me why i choose you. i tell them i didnt, my heart did. distance is one t h i n g , but how we feel about each other is something different. it just make US stronger. someone telling us that they'll give us two to four weeks. some mess right? but we don't have a time limit on how long WE last, sorry we're not a parking meter. i know im a cluts but im not a cluts when it comes to feelings. it's just the cutiest things that you do when we're together that get me. the little things also. time is a good thing. and the time WAS right. & i STILL thanks rio. boy, youre in my heart for a r e a s o n .
" i m a y n e v e r f i n d "
ps; i think its funny when people add me because of US.
amen ! <3
loveeMEIKA =]
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